Tutorial: Installing Nephio on Ubuntu
1 min readAug 1, 2023
Nephio is a Kubernetes based Telco automation platform part of the Linux Foundation. Nephio must be installed on a Kubernetes cluster using kpt. This tutorial walks you through the installation of Nephio with the only assumption being that you have your hands on a Ubuntu machine.
- A Ubuntu Machine
1. Install the necessary tools
From your Ubuntu machine, install MicroK8s
sudo snap install microk8s --classic
Install kpt
following the official documentation.
2. Install Nephio
Fetch the nephio packages
kpt pkg get --for-deployment https://github.com/nephio-project/nephio-packages.git/nephio-system
kpt pkg get --for-deployment https://github.com/nephio-project/nephio-packages.git/nephio-configsync
kpt pkg get --for-deployment https://github.com/nephio-project/nephio-packages.git/nephio-webui
Initialize kpt packages
kpt live init nephio-system
kpt live init nephio-configsync
kpt live init nephio-webui
Apply kpt packages
kpt live apply nephio-system --reconcile-timeout=15m --output=table
kpt live apply nephio-configsync --reconcile-timeout=15m --output=table
kpt live apply nephio-webui --reconcile-timeout=15m --output=table
3. Validate the installation
Forward the Web UI’s 7007 port
kubectl port-forward --namespace=nephio-webui svc/nephio-webui 7007
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